Contact us

For any kind of inquiry please feel free to call us during business hours, send us an e-mail or come by the store.


The store is open Tuesday – Friday 10.00 – 18.00 and Saturday 11.00 – 14.00. Sunday and Monday closed.

Welcome to visit your jeweler in Bibliotekstan!


Mäster Samuelsgatan 2
SE-111 44 Stockholm, Sweden


Phone : +46 (0)8-611 25 66
Phone : +46 (0)8-611 25 88
Fax: +46 (0)8-611 22 39


Jovenia Juveler has a large assortment of exclusive jewelry and high quality jewelry that is only available with us. Usually only in one or very few copies. Our exclusive jewelry is designed and created by some of the leading and knowledgeable products. Our wide selection gives you the opportunity to find personalized jewelry that suits the right occasion. We use gold, white gold and platinum.

Come to us when you are looking for exclusive engagement rings, wedding rings, jewelry or coat of arms.

The company's motto is: TREND & TRADITION IN ALLIANCE.